What Is A Dental Crown And When Do Dentists Use Them?

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Dental crowns are a common tool that dentists use to fix teeth, and your dentist may use them for many reasons. If your dentist ever tells you that you need a crown, you might wonder what it is and why you need it. Here are some vital things to understand about these dental crowns. What a Crown Is in Dentistry When your dentist mentions that you need a dental crown, you can ask them to explain what that is.…

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Dental Extractions And What To Expect From Them

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Although a dental extraction is often a final resort, it is sometimes necessary. A tooth that has suffered extensive damage from infection, trauma, or decay may require removal. Additionally, a tooth may need to be extracted to help relieve dental crowding. Here’s a bit of information about dental extractions and what you can expect from them. What Is a Simple Extraction? During a simple extraction, no cutting of the gingival tissues is required.…

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How To Prepare For Teeth Whitening

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Teeth whitening is a great way to improve the look of your smile. It can also be an effective tool in preventing tooth decay and gum disease. If you are considering teeth whitening, then this article is for you. You will learn what will happen before your teeth whitening session, what to expect during the treatment, and what things that you need to avoid after treatment. Pre-Treatment X Rays You may need pre-treatment X-rays or scans if there’s any question about whether there’s decay under the surface of your tooth enamel or implants.…

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FAQs About Gum Grafting

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When your gums get infected with gum disease, they may recede. Also, aggressive teeth brushing and orthodontic treatment like implants may cause gum thinning. If the gums continue thinning, the teeth roots may be exposed, resulting in tooth sensitivity or decay. In such cases, consider undergoing a gum graft. Here are important gum grafting facts that provide fundamental information regarding the treatment. What Does Gum Grafting Entail? Typically, a gum graft restores health to damaged gums.…

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Why Should Teens Get Orthodontic Treatment?

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Orthodontists can help patients straighten crooked teeth, correct overbites, and widen small palates. There are cosmetic and functional benefits to orthodontic treatment. However, parents may be unsure of the right time to take their kids to the orthodontist’s office. Waiting until kids grow up may not be the best choice. Here are four reasons that parents should consider getting their teens orthodontic treatment: 1. Orthodontic treatment is more effective on adolescents…

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How To Take Proper Care Of Your Sleep Apnea Oral Appliance

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If you have sleep apnea, you will need to ensure you know how to take care of your oral appliance. Your oral appliance will work better and more effectively if it has been taken proper care of. Brush Your Teeth Before Bed First, when wearing an oral sleep apnea appliance, you must brush your teeth before you put it on. If you don’t brush your teeth, there will be bacteria, plaque, and food particles that will be trapped up against your teeth, held in place by your sleep apnea oral applicant.…

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When Should You Visit A Dentist? 4 Signs You Should Never Ignore

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Visiting your dentist is among the best ways to keep dental issues at bay. It is also vital to know when there’s something wrong with your oral health and seek treatment early enough. Failure to have a dental problem treated as soon as possible means that it might spread and cause extensive damage. For that reason, here are the signs you need to book an appointment with a dentist. 1. Toothache …

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What Should You Expect After Orthodontic Treatment?

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Orthodontic treatment is all about improving your oral functions and aesthetics. Maybe you had an accident that resulted in your teeth misalignment, or perhaps some teeth were displaced as you grew. Orthodontic treatment can bring your mouth back to normal. Typically, an orthodontist will recommend braces that you can wear for up to two years. However, the period can decrease depending on the gravity of the matter. If your orthodontist has recommended orthodontic treatment, it is good to know the procedure and the outcomes.…

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5 Treatments to Correct Teeth That Are Uneven in Length

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When your teeth are uneven in length, you can’t smile without feeling self-conscious. Fortunately, this is a simple problem to fix. If you struggle to smile with confidence because your teeth are uneven in length, then the following dental treatments can help to correct your issue. 1. Gum Recontouring Teeth sometimes appear uneven in length because the gum line is uneven. In other words, a tooth has more gum tissue covering it than its neighbor has.…

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