What To Do If Your Child Has A Dental Emergency

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Nobody likes seeing their child in pain, and watching your child suffering through a dental emergency can be especially scary. It can be helpful to read up on best practices for this situation before it happens so you'll know what to do if that day ever comes. Here are some tips and advice to keep in mind if your child is suddenly in need of emergency dental care.

Does Your Current Dentist Offer Emergency Service? If Not, Who Does?

First things first, you'll want to ask your current family dentist if emergency dental care is even an option. If a dental practice is usually fully booked on a daily basis, they might not have the time or the manpower to take care of emergency cases. It can therefore be helpful to educate yourself about which practices near you do offer emergency care. As a parent, you obviously don't want to see your child in pain any longer than necessary, and in some cases, time may be of the essence. Reach out to an emergency dental care provider to start asking questions today.

A Compress, Milk, or Wet Paper Towel Can Work Wonders

If your child has sustained significant damage, you'll need to jump into action to try and preserve the teeth. If a tooth has been knocked clean out of the mouth, it might be able to be put back, but you'll have to properly preserve it. Milk is actually a natural substance that works great for keeping knocked out teeth in a preserved state. If you don't have access to milk, wrap the tooth in a wet napkin or paper towel. Moisture is key.

If the tooth is not knocked out but is wobbling around, tell your child to gently hold it in place but not to move it. You might also want to create a cold compress the child can hold against the gum lines to reduce swelling.

Remember to Breathe

It's understandable if your child is upset or scared, especially if they are younger. But while your child might be freaking out, you should do your best to maintain your composure. A young child that sees their parent is scared or upset is likely to become even more scared or upset themselves. If there are loose teeth in play, it's important in this situation that the child doesn't move their mouth a lot, so making them cry isn't going to help.

Contact a dental practice that offers emergency dental care today for more information about best practices for dental emergencies.
