Simple Solutions For Protecting Your New Veneers

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Most people do not have perfect teeth. Your smile may develop in a misaligned manner or you may struggle with oral hygiene, resulting in stained, cracked, or missing teeth as an adult. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry offers solutions.

Dental veneers are basically thin porcelain pieces that fit over your existing teeth, creating a beautiful and strong smile that can last up to 15 years. Of course, proper cleaning and care is essential to protect this new investment you made in your smile. If you have recently improved your smile with veneers, here are a few tips to ensure you clean and care for them properly.

Brush, Floss, Rinse as Normal

You should treat your veneers like your natural teeth. If you have struggled with oral hygiene, you should treat your veneers better than you treated your natural teeth.

Just like with your natural teeth, brushing twice a day, for two minutes at a time is recommended. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association.

Flossing once a day is sufficient in most cases. Do not move the floss harshly through the teeth, since these rough movements may irritate the porcelain veneers.

Using anti-bacterial mouthwash is also beneficial for rinsing away food particles and plaque while killing bacteria that can affect your oral health.

Eat Right

A healthy underlying mouth is key to your veneer's success, so make sure you are eating a well-balanced, healthy diet that protects your smile while keeping your veneers safe.

Reduce your intake of hard foods that can be harsh on your underlying teeth and porcelain veneers. Consider cutting up apples and other harder foods into small pieces instead of biting into the larger, hard surfaces.

Meats with bones should be eaten carefully, as well. Avoid biting too close and too hard to the bone of meats, such as chicken and ribs. Biting down hard on the bones can lead to veneer damage.

Many people enjoy crunching and chewing on ice cubes, but this habit can affect your veneers. Constant crunching and chewing on ice may chip or break your veneers.

Use Tools Instead

If you tend to bite your nails or use your teeth to open packages or bottles, break the habit now.

These acts may seem simple, but they can do enormous damage to your new veneers.

Use nail clippers for your nails and scissors or utility knifes to open packages.

Protecting your new, beautiful, and healthy smile requires a bit of care and understanding. This guide will help you protect your new porcelain veneers. Contact a clinic, like  Henderson Family Dentistry, for more help.
